I am supporting MoreThanAJob project, which aims at enhancing the development of a cooperation mechanism between the Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) and the public administration to improve the social services for vulnerable groups in order to increase their opportunities for social and labour inclusion.
As CEO of Tratos Ltd, I am pleased to witness the expression SSE is increasingly being used to refer to a broad range of organisations that are distinguished from conventional economy actors by two core features: they have explicit economic and social objectives and they involve varying forms of cooperative, associative and solidarity relations.
Tratos business is in full compliance with SSE principles and furthermore, Tratos regards SSE as a viable solution to re-balancing economic, social and environmental objectives.
MoreThanAJob will bring a change in the way SSE actors and public institutions work together for the provision of services to vulnerable groups through the development of a framework of new social pilot schemes as well as the development of policy briefs and suggestions improving the planning of policies adapted to the needs of the target groups. The project involves partners from five different countries: Palestine, Jordan, Lebanon, Greece and Italy.
Listen to my podcast on the importance of education, current affairs and all the things that make teaching #morethanajob. This podcast is aimed at parents, teachers, support staff and those interested in anything educational.