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EBRD 33rd Annual Meeting and Business Forum

In my other capacity of Alternate Governor for San Marino to the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), I headed the delegation from San Marino participating in the EBRD 33rd Annual Meeting and Business Forum, held in Yerevan, Armenia, from 14-16 May 2024.

This year, the annual meeting was organised under the broad theme of “Delivering Impact Together” and served as a global platform for discussions on how to help economies adapt and thrive in an ever-changing world. The programme included high-level discussions, panels, and speakers addressing pivotal global topics, from fintech and cybersecurity to sustainable infrastructure and economic inclusion.

I attended various sideline meetings where a range of topics was discussed, such as the importance of regional connectivity and value chains; fintech, artificial intelligence and cybersecurity; energy security and renewables; the challenges caused by the war in Ukraine; digitalisation in emerging markets; and financial inclusion. Also, governors deliberated on EBRD’s next “roadmap” – the Strategic and Capital Framework(SCF), which will set out its priorities for the period 2026-30.

During the plenary session, I made a statement where I praised the host country, Armenia, for the organisation and hospitality shown to all the delegates, congratulated President Odile Renaud-Basso for the re-election, and expressed San Marino views on EBRD’s programme of work and SCF. Furthermore, I offered San Marino’s support in exercising the EBRD mandate, especially regarding expanding the democratic values and supporting the transition to “green economies”.

On the sidelines of the EBRD meeting, I held two bilateral meetings, with Mr. Eduard Hakobyan, Deputy Minister for Finance and EBRD Alternate Governor of Armenia, and Mr Kazuhiko Koguchi – Secretary General of the EBRD.